Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Spirit

So, apparently I've missed out on all of the things people actually want for Christmas. Unfortunately, you don't find many XBox Kinects and iPads at the GW. Oh well. Here's what I have sold:
While looking for this picture, I realized it was in a folder from AUGUST. That's like forever ago. I was an idiot and paid $15.00 for it. It's a set of Elvis cassettes and a stamp book. Accepted a best offer yesterday of $14.50 just to be rid of it.

I just got this fellow at the GW on Friday and he sold for my full asking price of $18.99 to Canada. He's a Disney store exclusive Lumpy the Heffalump. You know, some people swear by certain brands of shoes...some people swear by certain kinds of figurines...I swear by anything Pooh. If you see something and it's Pooh-related. Just buy it. I actually passed up a Pooh crib bumper set and crib skirt at the same GW and I'm kicking myself over it. Paid $1.85.

This was an 18" Garfield from 1981 I picked up at my friend's mom's yard sale a couple weeks ago. He's the only plush I bought there that's sold. He went to the UK for $18.99, paid $.50.

These also left my house this week after being here TOO LONG. I have a "mom" one and a "dad" one. I didn't put the "dad" pic up because I didn't feel like rotating it. I thought these would be speedy sellers, but I've had them since September. I was always suspicious they were Fire King but they had no mark. When I relisted them the last time I put "FIRE KING?" in the title and made sure to specify in the listing that I was not certain they were Fire King and they had no mark on the bottom. I had them listed separately and they finally sold to a buyer in Japan for $5.99 each.

I also sold a few books and a lot of Addy's 3 month clothes for $17.99. The clothes selling isn't really for the money. It's because I'm too lazy to do consignment and I need room for the RIDICULOUS amount of clothes she's getting for Christmas.

On average I am hitting my goal of $33.00 a day. I'm not super pumped about anything I have up right now, but hopefully someone will be. I did find some SAS shoes at GW last weekend and was excited, as eBay Underground says they are great sellers, but I haven't had many views on my two pairs, so we'll see what happens.


  1. I recently sold some SAS shoes for $40. It's the 2nd pair that I bought. Still haven't sold the first, but they are a odd color. The 2nd pair sold after 3 weeks.

  2. Yeah I've only had mine for a week. One pair is red and the other is a weird bronze/brown color. They're a size 8, though, so hopefully people will eventually flock to those ugly shoes.
